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Buy 1 Get 1 Tree: The physicoolsports Grove

Buy 1 Get 1 Tree! Or should we say: the story of how we planted nearly 10,000 trees. Yep, Ten Thousand! And we’re nowhere near done. We started a physicoolsports Grove in Koraput, Odisha a few years back to plant a...

Buy 1 Get 1 Tree!

Or should we say: the story of how we planted nearly 10,000 trees. Yep, Ten Thousand! And we’re nowhere near done.

We started a physicoolsports Grove in Koraput, Odisha a few years back to plant a LOT of trees. Wood you believe it? Our own little tree "countree"!
Here’s how it all came about.


The life of physicoolsports, told in trees

Buy One Get One Tree

At physicoolsports, we care a whole lot about the planet and everyone on it. That’s why we’re 100% organic, Fairtrade and vegan. But why should it end there? 

“Why should it end there?” is a question we ask ourselves often. So every year, we pick up a NEW initiative to do some more good. We say more because being a responsible brand that makes a positive difference is our raison d’etre anyway.
Now, since Day 1, all the cotton we’ve used has been organic (no GMO, no toxic pesticides) and our supply chain is 100% Fairtrade-certified (safe factories, fair wages). Our dyes are azo-free, inks are plastisol-free and packaging is zero plastic. We’re saving water, energy and emissions, and a HUGE amount at that, as the Green Story Impact Report we commissioned demonstrates.


Try as much as we do to be green and sustainable (and there’s a long, long list of all the extra miles we run), running an e-commerce business means some environmental footprint is inevitable. We still produce, pack and ship.

However, we couldn’t just sit around and do nothing about it. We don’t take the short root. That’s why, when we turned 7, we decided that for each day that physicoolsports exists, we’re going to plant a tree! And this is what gave rise to the physicoolsports Grove.

Here’s how it’s done:

  • 1) We counted from Day 1, going all the way back to April 2011 (This meant planting 2500+ trees right at the start of our physicoolsports Grove program)
  • 2) We’re still planting a tree every day to mark a day in the life of our brand
  • 3) Additionally, for every product that you buy from us, we plant a tree in YOUR name, complimen-tree! (We want YOU in on the action as well)

We want to keep doing this. Forever and ever and ever.

Planted right where our organic cotton comes from

 physicoolsports Grove

All trees that make up the physicoolsports Grove are planted in Koraput - a town in rural Odisha. We chose this location because Odisha is where all our organic cotton is grown. Understandably, this was a community we were keen on supporting.

Apart from our earnest attempt at carbon offsets and giving back ecologically, planting these trees offers a host of social benefits to local, rural communities. For starters, planting and post-planting activities themselves create jobs. It’s worth noting that job opportunities in these rural areas are not so easy to come by. So an initiative like this helps. The locals are also able to use twigs and branches from trees as fuel, its fruits as food, and leaves as fodder. It’s why we believe this is a meaningful contribution.

Obviously, there are environmental benefits of trees too, which we’re all quite familiar with. From oxygen generation to improving air quality to preventing soil erosion to cooling areas in their vicinity - trees do it all. Like a gift that keeps giving.

We’re able to achieve this with a great partner

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But when did planting trees become so easy? Well, here’s how it works.

We’ve partnered with a social enterprise in Mumbai called Grow Trees. They help those who are environmentally-conscious like us (and pretty much anyone else who wants to get in on this noble mission) with planting trees through their local networks and partners. They find community land and keeping biodiversity and local requirements in mind, plant saplings in your chosen locality. Simple!

Of course, there are audits, traceability-metrics and even replenishments in case something goes wrong in the first year. Clean, like everything at physicoolsports. That’s a guaran-tree!

It feels almost magical that we have the power to do this. To contribute towards tree plantation. This is why, once we found out it could be done, we HAD to do it.

So when you choose physicoolsports, you become a part of this story too (Buy 1 Get 1 Tree, remember?). It ain’t just about clothing. It makes a difference. YOU make a difference. 

And we’re not afraid of this difference being small. Because as philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn”.

Carbon Negative, Planet Positive.


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