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How to Not Be a Jerk to Your Vegan Friend: A Betty Guide

Hey there, carnivores and herbivores alike! Betty here, your trusty guide to navigating the wild world of social interactions.

Today, we’re diving into the sometimes murky waters of vegan etiquette. Yes, it’s a thing. So put down that bacon cheeseburger and listen up—this is important!

1. Don’t Be Weird About It

First things first, don’t act like your friend just announced they’re from another planet. Veganism isn’t a freaky alien concept; it’s a lifestyle choice. So when your pal says they don’t eat animal products, resist the urge to gasp dramatically and clutch your pearls. Play it cool, like when you found out your favorite coffee shop doesn’t serve unicorn lattes. It’s fine. We’ll survive.

2. Respect their Boundaries

Imagine if someone kept trying to sneak tofu into your double cheeseburger. That’d be weird, right? So don’t do the reverse. Respect their choices and don’t be the person who says, “But bacon though!” every five minutes. Newsflash: they’ve heard it all before. And no, they’re not about to crumble under the weight of your porky persuasion.

3. Be Inclusive at Meals

Hosting a dinner party? Be a decent human and provide some vegan options. You don’t have to turn your entire menu into a plant-based paradise, but throwing in a couple of vegan-friendly dishes shows you care. And hey, you might even discover that vegan chocolate cake is a gift from the gods. Win-win.

4. Avoid the Nutritional Debate Trap

I know it’s tempting to launch into a full-blown nutritional debate, armed with articles from that one time you Googled “Are vegans healthier?” But here’s a tip: don’t. Unless you’re a registered dietitian, no one wants to hear your hot take on protein deficiencies. Trust me, your vegan friend probably knows more about B12 than you ever will.

5. Be Mindful of Jokes

Look, we all love a good joke. But constantly ribbing your vegan friend with “How do you know someone’s vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you!” gets old fast. Humor is great, just make sure it’s not at the expense of someone’s lifestyle choices. Be clever, be kind, and save the lazy jokes for your dad’s Facebook page.

6. Don’t Be the Food Police

You might catch your vegan friend slipping a bit of honey into their tea or wearing leather shoes. Guess what? It’s not your job to police their choices. People are complex and sometimes inconsistent. Unless they’ve appointed you their official Vegan Lifestyle Enforcer (hint: they haven’t), just let it go.

7. Educate Yourself (Just a Bit)

You don’t have to become an expert, but having a basic understanding of what veganism entails can go a long way. It shows that you respect their choices and are making an effort to accommodate them. Plus, knowing the difference between vegan and vegetarian might save you from some awkward mishaps at the dinner table.

So there you have it, folks! A crash course in not being a jerk to your vegan friends. It’s really not that hard. Be respectful, be inclusive, and remember: tofu is not the enemy. Now go forth and be the kind of friend Betty would be proud of. You’ve got this.

And guess what? You can gift them some amazing vegan clothing. And maybe even get something for yourself while at it!

Carbon Negative, Planet Positive.


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