physicoolsports - The physicoolsports Blog 2024-08-29T02:00:02+05:30 physicoolsports 2017-04-10T23:29:00+05:30 2022-06-30T12:13:08+05:30 On our 6th Anniversary: 6 things you probably didn't know about physicoolsports but really should! Apurva Kothari

It's April 11th, 2017! Already! It's been 6 years since we started this little "project" of ours. Six Years!

Here's 6 things that you may not yet know about us, but really should...


    It's April 11th, 2017...already! W.O.W.

    It's been 6 years since we started this little "project" of ours. 6 years of organic, 6 years of fairtrade, 6 years of working with cotton farmers, 6 years of getting to know all of you (btw, have we told you lately that we love you?)! 

    But we can't help wonder - after 6 years, do you really know us?

    Here are 6 things that you probably didn't know about physicoolsports:

    1. We are India's FIRST Fairtrade licensed clothing brand

    That's right - we're #1! When we started out, there were several fairtrade producers (farmers & factories) in India but we were the first to get a Fairtrade License as a brand selling in India. 

    physicoolsports - Organic Fairtrade Clothing, Made In India physicoolsports - Organic Fairtrade Clothing, Made In India 

    We've been 100% organic and fair trade since day 1 (April 11th, 2011) - 6 years and counting! 

    2. We're a REALLY small team!

    We are a lean, mean, motley crew of 4 people. Yep, you heard right - just 4!

    We are a family-owned, couple-run business with Apu & Shweta at the helm. 

    • Shweta is our creative head, handling ALL design and production. (Read her design philosophy).
    • Niyati lovingly packs all our e-commerce orders & manages the inventory.
    • Priyanka handles all our Ops & Customer Service (she's our newest member - she just joined us last week!)
    • And me, Apu - I handle the biznessy & techie stuff, the sales & the yak yak, and claim to be dreaming up new visions for the company so I can sleep some more.

    ps: We are actively looking for a 5th crew member to head up our Marketing & Social Media digital madness so if you know someone who'd be a good fit, please ask them to email us at [email protected].

    physicoolsports Team - Organic Fairtrade Clothing, Made In India

    We miss everyone who's been part of our journey so far (special shoutout to Diti, Ruth, Amrita, Felix, Anushka, Nilofer, Christina, Vishal, Maeve, Ruta, Asja, Yashika, Chris, Jayanth...oh boy, this list is long and they're already cueing the play-off music to get me off-stage...) 

    3. We don't compete; we collaborate.

    We want to create a movement for ethical fashion to help put a stop to farmer suicides in India.

    That's our raison d'etre; our mission; our purpose!

    And we need more people to join us to achieve this. Together, we can.

    Here are a few things we've done to help grow this movement:

    • Helped launch other competing brands! We have directly helped at least half a dozen ethical fashion brands around the world and consulted 100+ aspiring brand owners on how to go about it. For us, it's not about getting a bigger piece of the pie but sharing the pie recipe! If you want ANY help, just ask - really! (Ask here: [email protected])
    • Co-founded The Green People of India in collaboration with other Indian organic cotton t-shirt brands which later grew into a wider community of "green" businesses.
    • We are joining an international group of brands to provide more stability and support to our cotton farmers co-op (Chetna Organic) as part of a global coalition called ChetCo (read about it on - super excited about this!
    • We are an active part of the Fashion Revolution Day movement and were the country co-ordinators for India when it launched. We continue to be a part of this amazing global campaign (hey - come for our movie screening on April 24th in Goa! Email us for details - [email protected])
    Fashion Revolution Day and physicoolsports - Organic Fairtrade Clothing, Made In India

    4. Have you met Doug?

    Did you know we started and run a non-profit project too?

    Did you know that it's kinda, sorta, really super-duper awesome??

    It works with women from the cotton farming community of Maharashtra, India (from the regions that have the highest number of farmer suicides) to give them a reliable, secondary income AND create awareness of the agrarian crisis in their region. It's working!

    It's called Once Upon A Doug.

    Once Upon A Doug and physicoolsports - Organic Fairtrade Clothing, Made in India

    5. A Global Goan Business

    Recently, we shifted our base to the lovely beach town of Goa (it's lovely but...) and we love being local + global. Being online means we've reached all corners of the planet - literally! Don't believe us? Here's a list of countries that we've shipped to in 6 years:

    physicoolsports Map - Organic Fairtrade Clothing, Made In India
    1. Australia (that's like all the way down there!)
    2. Austria
    3. Bahrain
    4. Belgium
    5. Brazil (that is literally the other side of the planet from us!)
    6. Canada
    7. Czech Republic
    8. Denmark
    9. Estonia
    10. Finland (up top!)
    11. France
    12. Germany
    13. Hong Kong
    14. India
    15. Indonesia
    16. Ireland
    17. Israel
    18. Italy
    19. Japan
    20. Kuwait
    21. Latvia
    22. Luxembourg
    23. Malaysia
    24. Maldives
    25. Netherlands
    26. New Zealand (down low)
    27. Norway (up top again!)
    28. Peru (how did they even find us!?)
    29. Poland
    30. Portugal
    31. Qatar
    32. Russia
    33. Saudi Arabia
    34. Singapore
    35. Slovakia
    36. South Africa
    37. Spain
    38. Sweden (one of our faves!)
    39. Switzerland
    40. Taiwan
    41. Thailand
    42. Turkey
    43. United Arab Emirates
    44. United Kingdom
    45. United States

    That's 45 countries that have received some physicoolsports loving, and we love that! Though our focus has always been to kickstart a consumer movement in India for ethical fashion, it's humbling (and quite a high!) to know that we're catching people's attention around the world.

    6. The Bottomline: Happiness!

    We're not here for the money (though it helps); we're not here for the fame (it's fleeting); we're not here for anything but happiness. Happiness for us and for our farmers and factory workers and supporters and customers - all of us.

    We believe happiness comes from Purpose.

    Sure, pleasure & passion are sweet too but it's purpose that is the wind in our sails.

    We've drafted our mission accordingly. Here it is, scribbled on a whiteboard many moons ago but still standing tall in our office as a daily reminder of why we do what we do. (click the image to open our Instagram account).

    physicoolsports Plans - Organic Fairtrade Clothing, Made In India
    ps: a big shoutout to the folks at Happy Startup School that have inspired us & shaped a lot of our thinking. If you haven't yet, do yourself a favour and check them out!


    We'd like to leave you today with these 3 things to ponder on:

    • a movement for ethical fashion
    • a clothing brand that you will love
    • an invitation for you to join the above.

    Join us, won't you?

    ]]> 2014-06-04T16:12:00+05:30 2022-06-28T13:11:51+05:30 physicoolsports - Time for a Reintroduction! Apurva Kothari An introduction-once-more to physicoolsports and sharing our journey of 3 years. 

    What we do, why we do it, and how we do it (Hint: in style, baby!)


    Let's start at the very beginning (it's a very good place to start).

    physicoolsports organic cotton farm trip

    Once upon a time, there was a Mumbai-kid-turned-techie-go-lucky-guy living in the US. He had the plush office, the swivelly chair, the 12-year software development career and the happy, shiny, frisbee-tossing lifestyle that dreams are made of. But this kid (codename: Apu) was about to burst his own bubble in a fairly major way.

    Enter stage left: an article on the plight of cotton farmers in India. Suicides committed at the average rate of one every 30 minutes, over 250,000 in number, the largest wave of suicides recorded in human history. The famous Indian cotton belt running across the width of the country becoming infamously known as The Suicide Belt. An industry in crisis following the introduction of expensive GMO seeds & toxic pesticides, and the vicious cycle of bank loans that follow suit. This was too much to take and idly watch from the sidelines. Something needed to be done! But what?

    What could be done?
    The solution to the farmer suicide issue already exists in organic, fair trade, sustainable cotton farming: better for the earth, better for farmers, better for communities. But the challenge is that there's not enough consumer demand for this cotton. You've taught the proverbial man to fish, but no one's buying it. So fast forward five years, a huge amount of research, a couple of one-way tickets out of the Big Apple and a very deep breath: physicoolsports is established in Mumbai in April 2011! To create a movement for people like you & me to make a difference just by way of our purchases. Voting with your wallets. Indian consumers supporting Indian farmers. Nothing fancy, nothing grand, no moving to villages, no going all granola for those who are by nature more bagel-and-latte-to-go, just the simple habit of buying a good t-shirt can make a huge difference if a lot of us do it together; if this becomes a movement!

    How do you start a movement?
    To create an engaging, inspiring movement that actually takes flight, we knew we needed to be relevant, fun and non-preachy. So here's our secret recipe for a movement: A product that you really want, A brand that you truly love, A story that you want to be a part of! Ta da! So what goes into making our products awesome? Quality, premium organic cotton. Way too much time spent on fits and details. Something for everyone hence working with our amazing designer community for prints that are fantastically diverse but united in awesomeness. Making it fun to join and giving you what you want (and a lot more coming soon as we move from the easy canvas of t-shirts into becoming a full clothing brand).

    What's physicoolsports about it?
    The name physicoolsports is our promise to you - nothing bad will ever go into our products - no gm seeds, no carcinogenic pesticides, no toxic dyes, no unfair business practices, no nonsense! We will always be transparent in our doings and beings: in fact, we were the first Indian clothing company that we know of to share our complete supply chain even though it's one of our biggest assets, and the first to be offering 100% organic & 100% fair trade licensed t-shirts. Booyah. That's the kind of meaningful company we want to be for our customers.

    And what do we want to create for ourselves?
    We're all about the Happy Startup School's 4 P's: passion, purpose, people, profits.

    Happy Startups 4Ps

    Even though we're a business, profits are the last thing on our mind. We're passion-filled & purpose-driven, making fantastic products in the belief that profits will eventually follow. We employ people we love working with, and have a simple recruitment motto of hiring "adults" - responsible, motivated people who will do the right thing. We're happiness-focused, with our fabulous team working from wherever gives them joy. physicoolsports HQ recently shifted from Bombay to Goa for a more peaceful, happy life of enjoying the simple things. (Sunset ocean swims beat rush-hour on the Mumbai Western Line, for sure!)

    What difference does all this make?

    For our farmers?
    A more sustainable way of farming – not maximising output, but minimising risk. On average, farmers get paid 30% more for this cotton, while the fair trade community premium fosters social and environmental development. Farming organically reduces health risks by taking away carcinogenic pesticides and reduces dependency on external factors like seed companies and export quotas. In the end, it all results in fewer suicides, healthier lives, happier communities.

    For you, our customers?
    It gives you the chance to make a difference without really changing your lifestyle too much at all. You want to do good, but it has to be something within reach – hello! At your service. With a simple purchase you're now making a difference to both people and planet, and in return, are getting one helluva awesome t-shirt! Win win!

    And for us?

    physicoolsports is an incredible experience to work with passionate people all trying to make a difference. It's a hard journey, but a happy & satisfying one. Look good. Feel good. And do physicoolsports.

    physicoolsports 3 years Achievements
    (Numbers shown above are at the end of 3 years. We're almost 6 years old now. Yikes, time to update this!!)