On our 6th Anniversary: 6 things you probably didn't know about physicoolsports but really should!

It's April 11th, 2017! Already! It's been 6 years since we started this little "project" of ours. Six Years! Here's 6 things that you may not yet know about us,...

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The Truth about Living in Goa

As you know, Team physicoolsports packed up our organic, fairtrade bags and made the big move from Bombay to Goa in 2014. Be gone, traffic! Come to mama, susegad! But...

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physicoolsports - Time for a Reintroduction!

An introduction-once-more to physicoolsports and sharing our journey of 3 years.  What we do, why we do it, and how we do it (Hint: in style, baby!)

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